大家对这个词,可能最熟悉的含义就是“光束”,比如“光剑”——beam saber,但同时,它也具有动词的含义,除了与光线直接相关的“照耀”(The sun’s rays beamed down.)外,还有“传送”之意,而且特制电视、广播的信号的传送。在女王的演讲中“As those historic pictures were beamed back to Earth…”就是它的应用,当我们想在口语中表达与电视节目的转播相关,或者是写作中与现代科技相关的内容时,我们或许就有了新的说法来代替不够专业的transmit,比如:As Ronaldo scored, the excitement was beamed back to me in real time. I couldn’t say how grateful I was to modern technology.
Put sth. behind sb.:
从字面上来理解,这一词组的意思是把…放在xx的身后,在实际应用中,根据语境我们可以用它来表达不计前嫌的意思。比如,让我们把忘记过去的争端吧:Let us put the arguments behind us. 既然有冰释前嫌,那么与之相对的,我们也可以有念念不忘:Although years passed, the grudge still remained. 虽然年深日久,但仇恨不变。
promote也是一个大家都认得却很少有人会用的单词,它除了“晋升”和本句中的“促进”之外,还有着“促销”的含义,比如“苹果的新一轮促销活动”,我们可以说:Apple’s new promotion campaign.
本词作名词意为“黎明”,作动词时也有“破晓”之意,比如:The day dawned sunny and warm.并且由这一含义延伸出“让xx认识到…”的含义,只是要注意此时dawn必须与on/upon连用:It dawned upon him that he was cheated.
…it’s worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.
这句话出现在圣诞文告的结尾,表达了女王对臣民的告诫和期许,本句使用了强调句式,it is … that …,要注意it is后面必定是名词性结构,而that从句一定是以that为主语、具有完整结构的句子,比如:正是你不懈的努力,为你取得了好成绩——It is your relentless efforts that bring the good grades.
在最后的年关岁尾,祝大家:All the best for the just-past Christmas and the upcoming New Year.