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2020-02-21 21:07






  1. Art Galleries

  2. History

  3. Water Sports

  4. Pen/Pencils

  5. Running

  6. Beautiful views/scenery

  7. Desserts (Cakes)

  8. Special numbers

  9. Science

  10. Spending time by yourself

  11. Long or short break

  1 Art Galleries【老题回库】

  Did you take painting classes when you were a child?

  Would you say that being an artist is interesting?

  Have you ever been to an art Gallery?

  Are there any paintings on the walls (of your bedroom)?

  2 History 【老题回库】

  Do you like history?

  When you were a child, did you enjoy learning history?

  Have you ever watched movies related to history?

  When was the last time you read a book about history?

  Do you think history is important ?

  Have you ever been to a museum to learn history?/ have you visited any history museum?

  3 Water Sports 【上季Part 2题目】

  Do you like water sports?

  Would you like to do a water sport?

  Do you think water sports are popular in China?

  4 Pen/Pencils 【全新题目】

  Which do you prefer (to use), pen or pencils?

  If someone gave you some pens/pencils, how would you feel?

  When was the last time you bought some pens or pencils?

  Do you usually use a pens or pencil (for writing)?

  5 Running 【全新题目】

  Do you like running?

  Where do usually go for running?

  Do you have long-distance running?

  How often do you do running exercise?

  Do you like watching running race on TV? Why?

  6 Beautiful views/scenery 【全新题目】

  Dos your hometown have beautiful views?

  Do you like houses with beautiful views when you are traveling?

  How would you try to live in a house with beautiful scenery?

  (Similar to above) How would you feel living in a house with beautiful scenery?

  Do you think people enjoy taking pictures of beautiful scenery?

  Why do some people enjoy using mobile phones to take pictures of beautiful views?

  7 Desserts (Cakes) 【老题翻新】

  Do you like having dessert?

  Do you like eating cakes?

  Do you like sweet food?

  Have you ever made any cakes (or a cake)?

  In your culture, do you like eating cakes in festivals?

  Are there many sweet foods in your country?

  8 Special numbers 【老题翻新】

  Are you good at memorizing numbers?

  Do you often use numbers to do something?

  What’s your favorite number? Why?

  Are you good at numbers (math)?

  Would you like to do jobs dealing with numbers in the future?

  Can you memorize phone numbers?

  9 Science 【老题回库】

  Do you think it’s important to learn/study science?

  Do you think people should learn science?

  10 Spending time by yourself

  Do you like to spend time by yourself? why?

  What do you usually do when you spend time by yourself?

  11 Long or short break

  Do you prefer to have a long or short break? / Do you think having a break is important for you?

  Do all the family members (young and old) live together?





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