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2019-05-13 10:35





  4. 助你实现目标的人

  Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal.

  You should say:

  who this person was;

  what goal this person encouraged you to achieve;

  what this person did or said;

  and explain how this encouragement helped you to achieve the goal.

  Part 3:

  What social values should parents teach children?

  Many children misbehave at school, what are the reasons?

  Do you think mass media have a great impact on the young generation?

  Why is it hard for adults to change?

  How to help young people to develop good habits?

  5. 歌手乐队

  Describe a band or singer you like.

  You should say:

  who they are;

  what kind of music they play;

  when and where you usually listen to their music;

  and explain why you like them.

  Part 3:

  Why do some people want to be famous?

  Do you think famous people change their ways of thinking when they become famous? For example, what changes do you think might happen if someone suddenly became rich?

  Would you like to be famous?

  To be one of these stars, what qualities do people need to have?

  Do you think all famous people have a lot of money?

  How do people become famous?

  Who were some famous people about 30 or 40 years ago?

  6. 乐于助人的人

  Describe a person who helps others in his spare time.

  You should say:

  who he or she is;

  what he or she always does to help others;

  why he or she always helps others;

  and explain how you feel about this person.

  Part 3:

  What are some of the ways people can help others in the community?

  Which is most important?

  Why do you think some people like to help other people?

  Some people say that people help others in the community more now than they did in the past. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

  What types of services, such as libraries or health centers, are available to the people who live in your area? Do you think there are enough of them?

  Who do you think should pay for the services that are available to the people in a community? Should it be the government or individual people?







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