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【雅思口语】a time when you had some medicine

2018-11-02 13:45


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

  以下是新东方雅思为您带来的【雅思口语】a time when you had some medicine,更多雅思考试资讯请关注新东方雅思


  “吃药的经历”这个雅思口语题目,不要言简意赅的一口就把药吃完了,给自己加点儿戏啊!不然怎么吃到两分钟?吃药的经历要曲折一点儿,在吃“正经的药”之前,可以吃点儿“偏方儿”,争取吃的啰嗦一些,吃到考官说Thank you!


  This topic reminds me of the time I had a serious cold.

  It was pretty recently, about a month ago. I came down with a cold, you know, I couldn’t stop sneezing, and I started to have runny nose and sore throat. Luckily, my mom has excellent home remedies for common cold, she would mix ginger, garlic, brown sugar and coke together, boil them for a while, and let me drink it while it’s hot. You can imagine the terrible taste right? Normally, her remedy works pretty well, but that time, it didn’t work on me.

  The next day, I ended up having a high fever. So my mom just took me to the hospital. The doctor advised me to have an injection, ‘cause it helps reduce the fever more quickly. However, I’ve been afraid of needles since I was a little girl, especially when the doctor told me, she needed to give me an injection every day for the next 3 days. So my mom asked the doctor whether there are any drugs I can take to reduce the fever, the doctor said, yeah, there are many options, but the medicine with the least side effects tastes horrible. The pills were bitter and I had to take so many of them. Well, for me, it’s much better than the pain, so I just went back home with the medicine the doctor prescribed.

  In the following week, I took the medicine 3 times a day, and gradually, my symptoms were gone.


  come down with something = [no passive] to get an illness that is not very serious例如:

  I think I'm coming down with flu.

  runny = (of your nose or eyes) producing a lot of liquid, for example when you have a cold例如:

  I think I'm getting a cold—I've got a sore throat and a runny nose.

  remedy = a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or reduce pain that is not very serious例如:

  a herbal remedy

  an excellent home remedy for sore throats

  work = to have the result or effect that you want例如:

  The pills the doctor gave me aren't working.

  My plan worked, and I got them to agree.

  His charm doesn't work on me (= does not affect or impress me).

  end up = to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend or expect to be in例如:

  I ended up doing all the work myself.

  If you go on like this you'll end up in prison.

  If he carries on driving like that, he'll end up dead.

  injection = an act of injecting somebody with a drug or other substance例如:

  to give somebody an injection

  He was treated with penicillin injections.

  An anesthetic was administered by injection.

  daily injections of insulin

  needle = a very thin, pointed piece of steel used on the end of a syringe for putting a drug into somebody's body, or for taking blood out of it例如:

  a hypodermic needle

  side effect = an extra and usually bad effect that a drug has on you, as well as curing illness or pain例如:

  The drug has few side effects.

  Side effects include skin rashes and nausea.

  prescribe = (of a doctor) to tell somebody to take a particular medicine or have a particular treatment; to write a prescription for a particular medicine, etc.例如:

  Valium is usually prescribed to treat anxiety.

  He may be able to prescribe you something for that cough.

  symptom = a change in your body or mind that shows that you are not healthy例如:

  flu symptoms

  Look out for symptoms of depression.

  Symptoms include a headache and sore throat.

  以上是新东方雅思为您带来的【雅思口语】a time when you had some medicine,更多雅思考试资讯请关注新东方雅思






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