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【雅思口语】an occasion when you were scared

2018-11-02 10:16


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

  以下是新东方雅思为您带来的【雅思口语】an occasion when you were scared,更多雅思考试资讯请关注新东方雅思





  I’d like to talk about the first time I had an operation, which really scared me to death.

  I’d like to talk about the time I was diagnosed with acute appendicitis.

  Here’s what happened.

  That day, after I had breakfast, the right side of my belly started to hurt, I thought it might be something wrong with my breakfast, I mean, maybe I ate something past the expiration date, so I didn’t think that much. However, it became worse after two classes. So my teacher called my parents to pick me up, and they sent me to the hospital.

  The doctor told me, I had acute appendicitis, and I needed to have an operation immediately. That moment, I was frightened, ‘cause I’d never had any operations before. My mom tried to comfort me by saying, ‘It’ll be OK, It’ll be finished in just a few minutes.’ but it didn’t help, I was still so nervous.

  And the worst part is, I was fully conscious during the operation, I mean, I was treated with local anesthesia and I knew exactly what happened there. Luckily, those doctors and nurses were really nice.

  After the operation, the doctor prescribed me some medicine, like painkillers and stuff like that. I needed to eat them three times a day. And after a week, I just fully recovered.


  operation = the process of cutting open a part of a person's body in order to remove or repair a damaged part例如:

  Will I need to have an operation?

  He underwent a three-hour heart operation.

  an operation on her lung to remove a tumor

  Doctors performed an emergency operation for appendicitis last night.

  scare / frighten somebody to death = to frighten somebody very much例如:

  Spiders frighten him to death.

  diagnose = to say exactly what an illness or the cause of a problem is例如:

  The illness was diagnosed as cancer.

  He has recently been diagnosed with angina.

  expiration date = the date after which an official document, agreement, etc. is no longer valid, or after which something should not be used or eaten例如:

  Check the expiration date on your passport.

  The expiration date on this yogurt was November 20.

  anesthesia = the use of anesthetic during medical operations例如:

  surgery carried out under anesthesia

  prescribe = (of a doctor) to tell somebody to take a particular medicine or have a particular treatment; to write a prescription for a particular medicine, etc.例如:

  Valium is usually prescribed to treat anxiety.

  He may be able to prescribe you something for that cough.

  以上是新东方雅思为您带来的【雅思口语】an occasion when you were scared,更多雅思考试资讯请关注新东方雅思






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