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【雅思口语】a language you want to learn(not English)

2018-11-02 10:05


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

  以下是新东方雅思为您带来的【雅思口语】a language you want to learn(not English),更多雅思考试资讯请关注新东方雅思


  雅思口语里问到任何一门想学的语言,原因无非就是以下几种:1. 喜欢文化或文学作文 2. 喜欢影视作品或者想追星 3. 以后工作需要 4. 想去那里旅行或生活 5. 单纯的装逼show off。所以随便找几点展开就OK了,不用讲真话啦。


  I’ve always wanted to study French.

  Frist of all, I’m a huge fan of French movies. They are not only romantic but also thought-provoking sometimes. However, I don’t know any French words or grammar except for some simple phrases like bonjour or merci, so every time I watch a French movie, I’ll have to read the subtitles, and sometimes I’ll miss some details in the movie, especially when the characters are talking really fast.

  Besides, we all know that France is a romantic country. My dream is to take my future wife to Paris to spend our honeymoon. However, I’m not big on package tours, I want to make flexible travel plans, which means I need to be able to communicate with the local people fluently. So you see, if I could master French, I wouldn't have any language barriers when I’m travelling in that country.

  Also, I really admire some of the French writers whose works are just so fascinating, but the thing is, I’ve only read the translated version of their articles and poems. I always thought, if I could have a good command of French, I would be able to read the original French version, you know, it would be like having a conversation with those great people, and I could have a better understanding of their works.

  On top of that, as I mentioned earlier, I’m about to study in Canada, and I know that the official language in some parts of Canada is French. So I believe, if I want to fit in with them better, I’d better learn how to speak this language.


  thought-provoking = making people think seriously about a particular subject or issue例如:

  a brilliant and thought-provoking play

  subtitle = words that translate what is said in a film/ movie into a different language and appear on the screen at the bottom. Subtitles are also used, especially on television, to help deaf people (= people who cannot hear well).

  a Polish film with English subtitles

  Is the movie dubbed or are there subtitles?

  This program will be broadcast with subtitles for the hard of hearing.

  package tour = a holiday/ vacation that is organized by a company at a fixed price and that includes the cost of travel, hotels, etc.

  master = to learn or understand something completely例如:

  to master new skills / techniques

  French was a language he had never mastered.

  language barrier = when people cannot communicate because they do not speak the same language

  the thing is = (informal) used to introduce an important fact, reason or explanation例如:

  I'm sorry my assignment isn't finished. The thing is, I've had a lot of other work this week.

  command = your knowledge of something; your ability to do or use something, especially a language例如:

  Applicants will be expected to have (a) good command of English.

  on top of = in addition to something例如:

  He gets commission on top of his salary.

  On top of everything else, my car's been stolen.

  official = agreed to, said, done, etc. by somebody who is in a position of authority

  English became the official language for business in spite of the fact that the population was largely Chinese.

  The country's official language is Spanish.

  Is English an official language in your country?

  fit in with somebody / something = to live, work, etc. in an easy and natural way with somebody / something例如:

  He's never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how he'll fit in with the other people.

  Where do I fit in?

  Do these plans fit in with your arrangements?

  以上是新东方雅思为您带来的【雅思口语】a language you want to learn(not English),更多雅思考试资讯请关注新东方雅思






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