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【雅思口语】 an interesting job(driver)

2018-11-02 09:53


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

  以下是新东方雅思为您带来的【雅思口语】 an interesting job(driver),更多雅思考试资讯请关注新东方雅思


  雅思考试里问Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future, 很多男孩子想当试驾员,可以第一时间免费开各种fancy cars,然后把自己想象成电影里或广告里的帅气少年。任何职业可能都有辛苦的一面,不过这里只跟雅思考官强调光鲜的一面就好喽!


  I’ve always wanted to be a professional test driver. First of all, I’m a huge fan of cars. When it comes to cars, I’m like an expert. I enjoy the feeling of driving, I mean, I get a lot of excitement out of the interaction with mechanical stuff, and I think I would be really lucky to make money on my hobby. Plus, I heard, the payment is pretty good.

  What attracts me the most is that I can drive all kinds of fancy cars right after they come on the market for free. And I would have the chance to travel around the world to test the performance of cars under different conditions, like on the desert, on the icy ground, on mountainous areas and things like that.

  Another cool thing I could do is post videos on the Internet about my comments on certain cars. I will share my experience and the performance of cars after I test drive them. Just like the guy I followed on Weibo, you know, the Chinese version of Twitter. He has millions of followers and he has made a fortune by doing this. People think that he’s trustworthy, and would go to him for advice before they buy a car. I think I can do the same.

  So that’s the interesting job I wanna do in the future.


  test driver = A test drive is the driving of an automobile to assess its drivability, or roadworthiness, and general operating state. A person who tests vehicles for a living, either for an automobile company, automotive media for review purposes, or a motorsports team, is called a test driver.

  when it comes to something / doing something = when it is a question of something例如:

  When it comes to music, I'm a complete ignoramus.

  When it comes to cooking, I'm not in her league (= she is much better than me).

  When it comes to pollution, the chemical industry is a major offender.

  She's very ingenious when it comes to finding excuses.

  When it comes to getting things done, he's useless.

  on the market = available for people to buy例如:

  to put your house on the market

  The house came on the market last year.

  There are hundreds of different brands on the market.

  performance = how well or badly you do something; how well or badly something works例如:

  the country's economic performance

  high-performance (= very powerful) cars

  Her academic performance has been inconsistent.

  conditions = the circumstances or situation in which people live, work or do things例如:

  living/ housing/ working conditions

  changing economic conditions

  neglected children living under the most appalling conditions

  a strike to improve pay and conditions

  以上是新东方雅思为您带来的【雅思口语】 an interesting job(driver),更多雅思考试资讯请关注新东方雅思






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