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2018-07-04 16:44






The academic word list

  Useful academic vocabulary is contained in the Academic Word List, which is divided into 10 sublists in order of frequency,

  i.e. Sublist 1 has the most frequent academic words.

  You can try to learn these words from the lists but to learn to use them correctly you need to study the context.



  AnalysisApproach Area  Assessment

  Assume Authority  Available  Benefit

  ConceptConsistent Constitutional Context

  ContractCreate Data  Definition Derived

  Distribution Economic  Environment

  【Question: 把上面的单词选择性填入

  1.Close _____of sales figures shows clear regional variation. 对销售额的仔细分析显示出明显的地区差别 .

  2.The time is ______when we must think about buying a new house.

  我们要想一想买新房子的事了 , 机会来临了 .

  3.______of your symptoms will take a while, Im afraid.

  我想 , 对你症状的测定得花一点时间 .

  4.We mustnt _______the suspects guilt.

  我们绝不可轻易断定嫌疑人的罪名 .

  5.Pauls not _____ at present. Should I ask him to call you back? 保罗现在不在 . 要我让他给打回电吗 ?

  6.There has been a ______improvement in her attitude.

  她的态度一直在改进 .

  7.She has no particular illnessshes just _______ week.

  她没什么特别的病 ---- 她只是体质虚弱而已 .

  8.Whatever happens dont sign/enter into any _____ before you have examined itsconditions in detail.

  在仔细检查合同条件之前 , 无论发生什么事情也不要签订合同 .

  9.Most of his ideas _____ from those of his parents.

  他的大多数见解源于他父母的见解 .

  10.The ________ of cancer cases across the country is not at all even.

  癌症在全国分布得一点没有规律 .

  The academic word list

  Useful academic vocabulary is contained in the Academic Word List, which is divided into 10 sublists in order of frequency, i.e. Sublist 1 has the most frequent academic words. You can try to learn these words from the lists but to learn to use them correctly you need to study the context.

  Established  Estimate  Evidence  Export  Factors  Financial  Formula  Function

  Identified  Income  Indicate  Individual  Interpretation  Involved  Issues

  Labour  Legal  Major  Method

  【Question: 把上面的单词选择性填入

  1) Anglicanism is the ______ religion in England. 英国圣公教是英国国教。

  2) Their conservative (=low) ______was 30 to 40 acceptances. 他们保守估计是 30 40 人赞成。

  3) French cheeses are ______to many different countries. 法国奶酪出口到许多不同的国家。

  4) There is no sure ______for success. 成功并无一之规。

  5) This raincoat is not very smart, but it serves ______of keeping me dry. 这雨衣不是很漂亮,但还能起到使我身体不被淋湿的作用。

  6) What ______ would you put on their refusal to attend the meeting? 你将如何解释他们拒绝参加会议?

  7) The government has promised to introduce _____ to limit fuel emission from cars. 该政府已经许诺通过立法限制汽车燃料的排放。

  8) The plot of the film was too_______ I couldnt understand it. 这部影片的情节过分复杂,我无法理解。

  9) Its only a small disagreement lets not make an _____of it. 那仅仅是个小小的分歧,咱们别小题大做了。

  10) Each ______person is responsible for his own arrangements. 每人均需对自己的计划负责。







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