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2018-05-08 16:29




  Describe a photo or painting you like in your home.

  You should say:

  where and when the photo was taken or painted

  which room it is in

  what there are in the photo or painting

  and explain why you like it.

  Actually, I have a few paintings in my home. My girlfriend says it’s beginning to look like an art gallery! I guess you could call me a bit of an art-aholic, though I’m certainly no connoisseur.

  By far my favourite piece is a large oil painting on canvas that I picked up on my travels in Bali. I had to roll it up to get it back to China and once I got home I had a bespoke frame made for it. It depicts a tree or plant of some sort, using an array of colours, from deep blues to vivid yellows. The image is very simple, being formed from a number of different coloured dots.

  At the moment it is the centerpiece of my living room, takes pride of place on the main wall behind my sofa. There are other pieces of art in there, including some small statues and figurines, but they are eclipsed by the large oil painting, which truly dominates the room. Every guest we have visit passes comment on it, often complimenting its vibrant colours or simple aesthetic beauty.

For me personally, it’s a combination of all the things I have already mentioned. Plus, it reminds me of the places I have been and the things I have experienced on my trips abroad. The memories come flooding back every time l look at my picture. This is the primary reason I collect paintings and the reason I have more works of art than I do wall space!


  Describe a film you enjoyed.

  You should say:

  what the film is

  when and where you watched

  what it is about

  and explain why you enjoyed it.

  I’m not a regular cinema-goer, I prefer the comfort and convenience of watching movies in my own home, where I can download them and view them on my TV. However, occasionally there is a film that I feel I must watch on the big screen, the most recent of which was Transformers 4: Age of Extinction.

  It’s the newest film in the Transformers franchise, which is based on old toys that were made in the ‘80s. They tell the story of massive robots that can transform into different machines, like tanks or fire trucks, and fight battles on Earth. In this instalment, evil robots that look like dinosaurs, called Dinobots, battle it out against the good robots, called Autobots.

  The film was released in the summer of 2014, the time of the year when a lot of big blockbusters are brought out because it’s the school holidays, so they can make more money. I chose to watch the film in a 3D IMAX cinema. Nothing beats the experience of seeing a big budget movie on a huge screen, with the characters popping out at you. The sound system at the cinema is also amazing, with surround sound making you feel like you’re in the centre of the action.

  Although the story wasn’t all that great, I loved the action sequences and the special effects. Some of the film was also shot in China and the Chinese actress Li BingBing made an appearance, so even though it was a Hollywood movie, I could relate to it more easily.





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