

2014-11-24 14:42



Part 1

1.Color(热门考题)Are there any colors u dislike? Do you think the colors one wears important ?

2.Noise(热门考题), What natural noise do you like to listen to? what are the places that have a lot of noises?

3.Friends (本周热门考题), Do you have a lot of friends or just a few close ones?

4.Food(本周热门考题), What do you think is a healthy diet?

5.Shoes (本周热门考题), What is more important to you in terms of shoes, the look or the comfortability?

6.Advertising, Why do you think about the advertisements nowadays?

7.News, Do young people and old people focus on the same kind of news?

8.Housework, Do you think children should be made to take on more household duties at home?

Part 2 & Part 3

1. A good habit.

What effects do you think stress has on people's health? How do you think people can deal with  stress? Is there much difference between the exercise that young people do and the exercise that old(er) people do?

2. An good looking person you know.

Are looks important in todays society? Should people pay much attention on their appearances?

3. A sports event you have never been but would like to take part in

Is sport very popular in your country? In your country, what are the most popular sports that people like to play?

4. A convenient type of public transport.

What influence does private car has to the environment? What should the government do to solve the transportation problem?

5. Future work plan.

What jobs are popular with young people in your country? Do you think there is any difference between males and females when it comes to choosing a future career?

6. An interesting foreign country you would like to visit.

How do you think about studying abroad? Why do many people live (travel) in foreign countries?

7. Something (except cell phone or computer) you cannot live without.

How do you think the modern technology has changed the way people work? Why is it difficult for people to give up their own things?

8. A disliked subject in high school or secondary school.

Which subject should be / should not be taught in school? What factors do people consider when they choose school either for themselves or for their children?

9. A good service

What are some examples of jobs that include a lot of contact with the public? When dealing with the public, what should a company employee pay particular attention to? What's an example of a difficult situation involving the public that an employee might need to deal with? What personal qualities do such employees who work with the public need to have? Do you think people can be trained to have those qualities?

How can (or, could) a company or business (or government department) train employees for this?




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