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2014-07-28 10:34  作者:上海新东方  来源:上海新东方  字号:T|T



2.[*]句型为perfect answer, 即“炫句、拽句、彪悍句”,以这类句子完成的全文得分会很高。


Putting off urbanization can also mean postponing prosperity.


And he has decided that isolation is a bad thing for a city on the grounds that it "negatively affects leisure opportunities and the possibilities of discovering different ways of life".


Some wonder just how much can be achieved by a bunch of fancy design types congregating in different cities to discuss grand ideas about urban living.


Natural disasters are more frequent, and their effects more destructive, than at any time in recorded history.

现在自然灾害的发生越来越频繁,随之而来的影响也越来越大,超过了历史上 的任何时期。

One of the biggest dilemmas for conservationists is that preserving the environment often conflicts with the needs of the poorest communities who live there.


Although we do agree that there are times when the interests of the species can be best served by animals being kept in captivity, we believe that it is scandalous that so many zoos around the world remain packed with often miserable animals, kept in unnatural conditions where they remain incapable of breeding, despite frequently being paired biblically, two by two.

虽然我们同意动物被关起来在某些时候利益可以得到最好保障,但我们仍坚信, 世界上这么多的动物园里塞满了可怜的动物们,被关押在不自然的环境条件下,是多么的可耻,动物们在里面不能够繁殖,尽管常常被成双成对地配在一起。


But the country's breakneck growth has caused enormous damage to the environment.


China remains a developing country, and the authorities maintain it must improve the quality of people's lives. But increasingly, it is the environment that is paying a high price.


And remember the evidence that pro-environmental policies can produce real economic growth, as firms get into new technologies to deliver cleaner energy or more efficient housing. < The Guardian>


It is the grim result of more than half a century in which chemical fertilizers, animal wastes, pesticides and other substances have infiltrated aquifers, seeping into the groundwater and eventually into the tap.


[*] If we do not address this, we can expect major destabilisation, an increase in rioting and potentially significant problems with international migration, as people move out to avoid food and water shortages.

如果我们不解决这个问题,就会发生严重的不稳定,包括不断严重的混乱情 况和潜在的重大问题,这是由于人们为防止食物和水短缺而离开他们的原驻地,进行全世界人口迁移所带来的。


Climate change, deforestation and the desertification of arable land have all had their part to play and children are always the most vulnerable.


The measures have the potential to help clean up China’s notoriously dirty air and water, reduce long-term health care costs and improve the long-term quality of Chinese growth.

这些举措将有可能帮助清理中国脏空气和水的不利形象,以及减少长期的健 康医疗成本和增进长期中国人生活质量。

Food and water shortages as a result of climate change and growing populations are likely to trigger mass migration and unrest.



On Monday the Environment Agency holds World Environment Day when It urges people to make pledges to reduce their environmental impact - from reusing plastic bags to turning off the tap when brushing their teeth to save water.


But the only suggestion it makes is that aviation fuel might be taxed.


Faced with public dissatisfaction over traffic, Guangzhou has also built an extensive subway system in the last few years, along with large parks and a renowned opera house.


38. [*]National governments may also levy taxes on the release of pollutants or substances that create pollution.


[*]The forces of a free market can be used to help control pollution. Some government regulations simply require businesses to tell the public how many pollutants they release into the environment. This type of regulation has caused some companies to find ways to reduce pollution so that consumers do not develop an unfavorable impression of them and perhaps refuse to purchase their products.


[*]Many types of environmental pollution have been difficult to control because no single person or nation owns Earth's global resources-that is, its oceans and atmosphere. To control pollution, the people of the world must work together.







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