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2019-12-26 17:24




Section B

Passage 1

9.What do we learn about Leo Centuisfarm?

答案参考句:The national average farm size is around 440 acres. But his is only one acre. The average farmers hovers around 58 years old. But his is just 26.

解析:开头第一句,通过原文描述的转化。对应的是C. It is small and unconventional

10.What has motivated Leo Centuis and his fellow young farmers to engage in farming?

答案参考句:fellow young farmers are motivated by the desire to set a new standard for agriculture.

解析:本题直接对应的是D选项There wish to set a new farming standard

11.Why did Leo Centuisbuy a hand-operated weeding tool?

答案参考句:Centuisbought a hand-operated which pulls out weeds and loosens soil.

解析:本题为细节描述,原文复现,对应的是D It loosens soil while weeding.

Passage 2

12. What do we learn from the passage about the food company Eat-Grab?

答案参考句:Eat Grab is Britain' s first new food company that breaks western food boundaries by introducing edible insects as a new source of food

解析:原文对应选项A) It has turned certain insects into a new food source

13. What does the speaker say about the first bite of crickets?

答案参考句:The idea of one going in my mouth made me feel a little sick, but the first bite was a pleasant surprise

解析:原文对应选项B) It was a pleasant surprise.

14:What does the speaker say about the dry crickets?

答案参考句:dried crickets contained more protein than beef, chicken and pork

解析:原文对应选项C) They contain more protein than conventional meats.

15: What does the speaker say about the insect farming?

答案参考句:insect farming also produces far few of green health gases.

解析:原文重现,对应A) It is environmentally friendly.


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